Tuesday, December 10, 2013

How to Make an Ultraviolet LED Flashlight

If you want to get a good LED flashlight for specific situations, there are four things you should know about first. Recognizing these four issues, and knowing where to find them, will save you a lot of money and bad experiments. And it is time to learn how to make an ultraviolet LED Flashlight.
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1 Find an ultraviolet LED (Light Emitting Diode) from your local electronics store or online.
2 Purchase a 1/4 watt 100 ohm resistor. This also should be available at your local electronics store or online.
3 Buy a flashlight that requires up to 4 1.5 volt batteries to run when making your own ultraviolet LED flashlight.
4 Remove the bulb from the flashlight you purchased. You may have to use a scissors clamp to remove the LED bulb from the flashlight without breaking it. Be sure to grasp the bulb by its metal collar, and gently pull the bulb up out of its setting.
5 Hold the bulb by its collar with the scissors clamp, and heat up the base of the bulb with a soldering iron. Make sure you use eye protection as you do so.
6 Wait for the solder to cool, and then tap the scissors clamp, as it's still holding the bulb, against your work bench. You may have to do this rather sharply. By tapping the scissors clamp in this manner, you dislodge any melted solder from the bulb. You can choose to use a solder wick instead of tapping the scissors clamp against the workbench and achieve the same result. Basically, you want to get rid of any excess.
These trips help you make special LED flashlight for the outgoing activities, such as camping, hiking, cycling and so on. Why not follow it and get a unique led flashlight by yourself?

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